Case Studies Cut from my 2010 Book: Social Class, Social Action, and Education
Because of space reasons, two case study chapters were cut from this book. I include them here, for those who are interested
Case Study #2: Misunderstanding Mississippi
This paper is still in draft form. I plan to revise it for publication elsewhere.
Case Study #3: Education Scholars have Much to Learn about Social Action
This review essay appeared at Education Review online. I link to this version, here, but it would have been somewhat revised for publication in the book.
Case Study #2: Misunderstanding Mississippi
This paper is still in draft form. I plan to revise it for publication elsewhere.
Case Study #3: Education Scholars have Much to Learn about Social Action
This review essay appeared at Education Review online. I link to this version, here, but it would have been somewhat revised for publication in the book.
Paper Discussing An Effort to Engage Alternative High School Students in Social Action
In the book's conclusion, I mention a project in which I and a group of graduate students explored how to engage students in an alternative high school in social action projects. The draft summary paper about this project is here:
Schutz, A., Williams, A., Fehrman, D. (unpublished). Should we require courses in social action? An untidy journey from service learning toward organizing.
Also see:Fehrman, D. and Schutz, A. (2011). Beyond the catch-22 of school-based social action programs: Toward a more pragmatic approach for dealing with power. Democracy & Education, 19(1), Article 3.
Schutz, A., Williams, A., Fehrman, D. (unpublished). Should we require courses in social action? An untidy journey from service learning toward organizing.
Also see:Fehrman, D. and Schutz, A. (2011). Beyond the catch-22 of school-based social action programs: Toward a more pragmatic approach for dealing with power. Democracy & Education, 19(1), Article 3.